Homework due Monday April 25th/Tuesday April 26th

Assignment 1 of 4

Begin work on the following IRP assignments. You are responsible for completing these on your own.

IRP #4: Illustration
Draw an illustration (that does not already exist) of a key moment in the story that could be placed on the cover of the book. Write a short caption (2-3 sentences) to go with it that explains why you drew this image.

IRP #7: Soundtrack
List five songs that could form the soundtrack to your book and explain why you chose each song in 2+ sentences. You may use lyrics (in quotes, PG-13 selections only) to help you explain why you chose a specific song.

IRP #9: "Be Creative" assignment
Provide a creative tie-in for your book (alternate ending, retelling fan fiction, comic strip, poem, board game, promotional action figure, etc.) that reflects your understanding of the book (its themes, characters, social/historical context, etc.
Assignment 2 of 4
If you haven't already done so, turn in a digital copy of the final draft of your character analysis to Turnitin.com.

Class codes are below. The password is "shimizu"
Period 1: 10836352
Period 2: 10836412
Period 4: 10836420
Period 5: 10836426
Period 6: 10836432

Assignment 3 of 4
If you did not finish a draft of your IRP blurb (assignment #8) by the last class you may still receive a stamp for it Monday/Tuesday.

BLURBS are quotes promoting a book. Write a paragraph in which you “sell” this book to an audience
**Sign your blurb with the name of an author, a publisher, or a newspaper/magazine
**Give reasons why people should read your book
**What made the story so great, entertaining, etc.?
**NO spoilers or plot summaries!!
**Who should read this book?
**Reference the genre, author, famous fans
**“If you like _____ then you’ll love ______ because”
Assignment 4 of 4
If you did not finish your character analysis of Juliet OR all of your ongoing assignments for this R+J unit, please do so. Staple them in the following order:

Quote Log (on the nature of love):
TEN+ quotes (quote # out of 10 + quote + who said it + interpretation)

Quote Log (individual vs. society):
TEN+ quotes (quote # out of 10 + quote + who said it + interpretation)

Timeline Summaries:
FIFTEEN summaries (3-5 sentences) for each scene we read in the play.

SIX+ pages of annotations total (half a page minimum for each scene we read in class EXCEPT Act 2 scenes 5-6 and Act 5 scenes 1-2 ... annotations for those four scenes can be 1/4 of a page long).

FIFTY+ words (glossary word + definition + quote using the word + translation of the quote)