Homework due Thursday the 10th/Friday the 11th

  1. Bring your OMAM book ... you will be able to use it on your Final SCR #1 in class if you bring it.
  2. Finish the Achieve 3000 lesson for "Moms to March" if you have not already done so (NOTE: it is now worth late credit only).  Inform me when it is done.
  3. Submit IRP materials to Turnitin.com (everything except assignment #4 and #10) if you haven't already done so or those 0.5s in Pinnacle will become 0s next week.  Inform me when it is done.
  4. Finish answering the study guide questions for Section 4.
  5. Study for your Section 4 retakes.  Tomorrow (Thursday the 10th) is the last day to do retakes for either Section 4's quiz OR Section 1 & 2's quiz.