Homework due Thursday 12/12 + Friday 12/13

NOTE: You do not need to bring your Pre-AP readers this week (unless you are a new student or you have tutoring for my class).
Assignment 1 of 4:
Complete the graphic organizers you were given for "The Hamilton Mixtape" by Wednesday.  This means:
Part 1: 2+ major events in Hamilton's life, with quoted lines (3 lines max.)
            Don't need to do the box on Hamilton's early life.
Part 2: 2+ descriptions of Hamilton's character/personality, with quoted lines
Part 3: Don't need to do Part 3
Part 4: Use the Google Slides Presentation uploaded to Google Classroom to
            define the six different poetic devices.  Complete 3+ boxes out of the 6.
Assignment 2 of 4:
If you did not finish answering the questions about the text in your class, the questions are below.  The answers should be written out as annotations on your copy of the text.
1) Lines 1-4 What is Miranda setting in the 1st four lines?
Lines 1-4 What do the words “squalor”, “bastard” and “forgotten” tell us about Hamilton’s origins?
2) Lines 5-15 How does Hamilton set himself apart in this “forgotten spot”?
3) Lines 16-22 What major event happened when he was a teen and what was his response?
4) Lines 23-5 What effect did his account of the hurricane have on his life?
5) Lines 29-30 What do you think Miranda is suggesting in these lines?
6) Lines 31-38 Summarize the hardships Miranda lists at the start of Verse 2
7) Lines 39-40 What did all this hardship give him?
8) Lines 41-52 How does Hamilton “fend for [himself]”?
9) Lines 45-46 What does Miranda think helps H avoid being “dead and destitute”?
10) Line 47 What does Miranda mean when he says H would’ve been “without … restitution” if he wasn’t so sharp?
11) Line 53 What message is Miranda sending through the image of Hamilton at the bow of the ship?
12) Lines 52-57 Why do you think Miranda makes a point to call H an immigrant?
13) Lines 58-68 What point do you think Miranda is making in the hook and in Burr’s declarations?
14) Lines 62-66 How does Miranda contrast Hamilton and his detractors/haters?
Assignment 3 of 4 (ongoing):
Start studying for your finals!  Your final will be a CEL paragraph on our last text ("The Hamilton Mixtape") and a multiple-choice exam of 70+ questions covering all of the texts we've read since August.
Study for the multiple-choice exam by rereading every text and reviewing your annotations.  Anything discussed in class or asked on a graphic organizer, quiz. etc. is fair game.
Assignment 4 of 4 (ongoing):
If you did not complete and/or turn the following assignments, you must do so by Friday, December 16th if you don't want permanent NPs:
-Graphic Organizer for "Tamara's Opus"
-"Decoding the Problem" graphic organizers for BM2 practice