Alliance Gertz-Ressler High School

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Student Loan Debt Article

Click on the link above, read the article, and answer the following questions:
1.) SUMMARIZE the article. (3-4 sentences)
2.) What is the purpose of the article? Explain.
3.) What are your interpretations/connections of the article? (Answer both)

This connects to __________________ because......
This symbolizes ________________ because.....

4.) What is your opinion about this topic? Explain.

5.) How can you connect this article to your life? Do you think this article is valid to your own life experience and family? Why or why not?
6.) Identify 3 QUOTATIONS and provide a REACTION/COMMENTARY for each quotation.

7.) How can the U.S. government eliminate this issue? Explain.
8.) Do you think a college education should be free for every student? Why or why not?

9.) The current U.S. national debt is around $18 trillion. What should we do to combat this national debt? Explain.
10.) Do you think our current national debt and student loan debt could lead to another Great Depression in the U.S.? Why or why not? Explain your position.

Affirmative Action Article

Click on the link above, read the article, and answer the following questions:
1.) SUMMARIZE the article. (3-4 sentences)
2.) What is the purpose of the article? Explain.
3.) What are your interpretations/connections of the article? (Answer both)

This connects to __________________ because......
This symbolizes ________________ because.....

4.) What is your opinion about this event? Explain.

5.) How can you connect this article to your life? Do you think this article is valid to your own life experience and family? Why or why not?
6.) Identify 3 QUOTATIONS and provide a REACTION/COMMENTARY for each quotation.

7.) What is your opinion on affirmative action? Should race play a factor on helping a students gain admissions to a college? Explain.

8.) Do you think affirmative action is a benefit for minorities or is it something we don't need anymore? Explain.

9.) If affirmative action is eliminated, do you think this would decrease minority students in college? Why or why not?

10.) Overall, do you think we should focus on promoting diversity in colleges in accepting minority students or should college students be selected based on ONLY their academic history? Explain.

Death Penalty Article

Click on the link above, read the article, and answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:
1.) SUMMARIZE the article. (3-4 sentences)
2.) What is the purpose of the article? Explain.
3.) What are your interpretations/connections of the article? (Answer both)

This connects to __________________ because......
This symbolizes ________________ because.....

4.) What is your opinion about this event? Explain.

5.) How can you connect this article to your life? Do you think this article is valid to your own life experience and family? Why or why not?
6.) Identify 2 QUOTATIONS and provide a REACTION/COMMENTARY for each quotation.

7.) Do you support the death penalty? Is the death penalty a form of cruel and unusual punishment? Why or why not?

8.) Should the government use the lethal injection as a way to execute death row inmates? Why or why not?

9.) Do you think inmates should go through pain when being executed by the state? Why or why not?

10.) If the death penalty is banned, what would you propose as a punishment for criminals who commit capital crimes? Why? Explain your position.

World History Vocabulary Part II

World History A

For each word, provide definition and significance (why is it important?)

  1. Nationalism
  2. revolution
  3. Louis XVI
  4. Reign of terror
  5. Estates General
  6. Napoleon
  7. Sans culottes
  8. National Assembly
  9. National convention
  10. Tennis Court Oath
  11. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
  12. The Great Fear
  13. Bourgeoisie
  14. Marie Antoinette
  15. Bastille
  16. Maximilien Robespierre
  17. Faction
  18. Secular
  19. Guerrilla warfare
  20. Abdicated
  21. Napoleonic Code
  22. First Estate
  23. Second Estate
  24. Third Estate
  25. Committee for Public Safety
  26. Jacobins

World History B

For each word, provide definition and significance (why is it important?)

  1. Totalitarianism
  2. The Great Purge
  3. Five-Year Plan
  4. Munich Pact
  5. Non-Aggression Pact
  6. Kulaks
  7. Brown Shirts
  8. Fascism
  9. Mein Kampf
  10. Appeasement
  11. Rape of Nanking
  12. Benito Mussolini
  13. Propaganda
  14. Gestapo
  15. Kristallnacht
  16. Francisco Franco
  17. Neville Chamberlain
  18. Josef Stalin
  19. Adolf Hitler
  20. Third Reich
  21. Great Depression
  22. Command economy
  23. Gulag
  24. Nuremberg Laws
  25. Communism
  26. Censorship

Killed for wearing red shoes article

Click on the link above, read the article, and answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:
1.) SUMMARIZE the article. (3-4 sentences)
2.) What is the purpose of the article? Explain.
3.) What are your interpretations/connections of the article? (Answer both)

This connects to __________________ because......
This symbolizes ________________ because.....

4.) What is your opinion about this incident? Explain.

5.) How can you connect this article to your life? Do you think this article is valid to your own life experience and family? Why or why not?
6.) Identify 2 QUOTATIONS and provide a REACTION/COMMENTARY for each quotation.

7.) Do you think Gertz-Ressler High School should continue its dress code policy to ensure safety? Why or why not?

8.) What can we do as a society to eliminate violence, especially gang violence? Explain.

9.) Do you think administrators from Gertz are too strict about dress code? Why or why not?

10.) Do you think the First Amendment should protect you for giving you the right to wear anything you want or should be there restrictions in schools? Explain your position.