Extracurricular Activties Resources

Alliance Gertz Ressler High School Sports

General Athletics Information

Non-Discrimination Language – English

Alliance prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived age, ancestry, ethnicity, parental status, pregnancy status, color, mental or physical disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, nationality, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. This applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within an Alliance campus. For questions or complaints, contact the school-based Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator: Roman Guerra, Assistant Principal of Alliance Gertz-Ressler/Richard Merkin 6-12 Complex, 2023 South Union Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90007, 213-745-8141, rguerra@laalliance.org. For additional complaints or other issues, please contact the Home Office Equity Officer: Vice President of School Operations, 601 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90017, 213–943-4930, compliance@laalliance.org.

Non-Discrimination Language – Spanish

Alliance prohíbe la discriminación, el acoso, la intimidación y el acoso escolar en función de la edad, ascendencia, origen étnico, estado parental, embarazo, color, discapacidad mental o física, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, información genética, estado migratorio, estado civil actual o percibido, información médica, nacionalidad, raza, religión, sexo, orientación sexual o asociación con una persona o grupo con una o más de estas características reales o percibidas. Esto se aplica a todos los actos relacionados con la actividad escolar o la asistencia escolar dentro de un campus de Alliance. Para preguntas o quejas, comuníquese con el Oficial de Equidad de la escuela/Coordinador de Título IX: Roma Guerra, Subdirector de Alliance Gertz-Ressler/Richard Merkin 6-12 Complex, 2023 South Union Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90007, 213-745-8141, rguerra@laalliance.org. Para quejas adicionales u otros problemas, por favor contacte al Oficial de Equidad de la Oficina: Vicepresidente de Operaciones Escolares, 601 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90017, 213–943-4930, compliance@laalliance.org.


Notification of Gertz-Merkin Title IX Coordinator

Please note that you can find your Title IX Coordinator’s information in your 2022-2023 Parent Student Handbook.

Alliance prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived age, ancestry, ethnicity, parental status, pregnancy status, color, mental or physical disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, immigration status, marital status, medical information, nationality, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. This applies to all acts related to school activity or school attendance within an Alliance campus. For questions or complaints, contact the school-based Equity Officer/Title IX Coordinator: Roman Guerra, Assistant principal of Alliance Gertz Ressler-Richard Merkin 6-12 Complex, 2023 S. Union Ave Los Angeles, CA 90007, (213)745-8141, rguerra@laalliance.org For additional complaints or other issues, please contact the Home Office Equity Officer: Vice President of School Operations, 601 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90017, 213–943-4930, compliance@laalliance.org.

All classes and courses will be conducted without regard to the sex of the pupil enrolled, and no pupil will be prohibited from enrolling in a class on the basis of the pupil’s sex, except as permitted by law. 

When programs, activities, and athletic teams are in place, Alliance schools will maintain separate programs, activities, and teams for male and female scholars.  Scholars may participate in sex-segregated programs, activities, and athletic teams consistent with the scholar’s gender identity. 

Alliance schools maintain separate restroom facilities for male and female scholars.  Single stall restrooms are general-neutral.  Scholars may use facilities consistent with their gender identity.  If there is a desire for increased privacy and/or safety, regardless of the underlying purpose or cause, any scholar and/or parent guardian may request a meeting with school administration to determine the appropriate accommodation(s). 

Titulo IX

Tenga en cuenta que puede encontrar la información de su coordinador de Título IX en su Manual para padres y estudiantes de 2022-23.

Alliance prohíbe la discriminación, el acoso, la intimidación y el acoso basado en la edad, ascendencia, origen étnico, estado parental, estado de embarazo, color, discapacidad mental o física, género, identidad de género, expresión de género, información genética, estado migratorio, estado civil, real o percibido , información médica, nacionalidad, raza, religión, sexo, orientación sexual o asociación con una persona o un grupo con una o más de estas características reales o percibidas. Esto se aplica a todos los actos relacionados con la actividad escolar o la asistencia escolar dentro de un campus de Alliance. Si tiene preguntas o quejas, comuníquese con el oficial de equidad de la escuela / coordinador del Título IX: Roman Guerra, subdirector de Alliance Gertz Ressler-Richard Merkin 6-12 Complex, 2023 S. Union Ave Los Angeles, CA 90007, (213) 745- 8141, rguerra@laalliance.org Para quejas adicionales u otros problemas, comuníquese con el Oficial de Equidad de la Oficina Central: Vicepresidente de Operaciones Escolares, 601 S. Figueroa St., Los Ángeles, CA 90017, 213–943-4930, compliance @ laalliance.org.

Todas las clases y cursos se llevarán a cabo sin importar el sexo del alumno inscrito, y ningún alumno tendrá prohibido inscribirse en una clase sobre la base del sexo del alumno, excepto según lo permita la ley.

Cuando existan programas, actividades y equipos deportivos, las escuelas de Alliance mantendrán programas, actividades y equipos separados para estudiantes y estudiantes. Los estudiantes pueden participar en programas, actividades y equipos deportivos segregados por sexo de acuerdo con la identidad de género del estudiante.

Las escuelas de la Alianza mantienen instalaciones sanitarias separadas para estudiantes y estudiantes. Los baños de un solo cubículo son neutrales en general. Los estudiantes pueden utilizar instalaciones acordes con su identidad de género. Si existe el deseo de una mayor privacidad y / o seguridad, independientemente del propósito o causa subyacente, cualquier estudiante y / o padre tutor puede solicitar una reunión con la administración de la escuela para determinar las adaptaciones apropiadas.

Alliance Gertz Ressler High School Athletics Eligibility

2019 – 2020
ELIGIBLE TO TRYOUT – In order to tryout for any athletic team at Alliance Gertz Ressler High School, you must have a properly completed physical turned into the Athletic Director. The properly completed physical requirements are described here:
– ALL student athletes are required to have a physical completed PRIOR TO participating in tryouts.
– Summer is a great opportunity to get your physical complete and it is valid for 12 months, so if you want to play more than one sport within 12 months from the date of your physical, you are able to play those sports.
– A Physical Form is available in the front office or attached below.
   – Students/Parents fill out the front side and sign at the bottom
   – Your Physician fills out the back side and signs and STAMPS at the bottom
ELIGIBLE TO JOIN THE TEAM – In order to be a member of any athletic team at Alliance Gertz Ressler High School, you must be in proper academic standing. The academic requirements are described here:
– ALL student athletes are required to have an average GPA of 2.35 on the 10-week grade report and end of semester grades
– For the 10-week grade reports, students will have approximately 3 weeks following the date of the reports to bring their grades up to an average GPA of 2.35 for that semester. Students MUST speak to the Athletic Director when they feel their grades have been raised for the Athletic Director to confirm he/she is eligible. Deadline for improving grades is end of the school day on the following days:
   – Tuesday, November 12, 2019
   – Monday, April 13, 2020
– Average GPA is calculated as follows
   – A is worth 4
   – B is worth 3
   – C is worth 2
   – D is worth 1
   – NP is worth 0
   – Advisory grades are worth half as much as other classes (2.5 credits vs. 5.0 credits)
ELIGIBLE TO PLAY IN GAMES – In order to be eligible to participate in athletic contests, student cannot have an unexcused absence or tardy on the day of the game. Doctor’s appointments with a doctor’s note will excuse the absence/tardy.
TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM GAMES – For any athletic competitions away from campus, any student associated with the team is required to ride the school provided transportation TO and FROM the competition. Questions regarding transportation: Contact Roman Guerra, AP, at rguerra@laalliance.org
Check back regularly for UPDATES
General Questions: Contact Nathan Roller, AD, at nroller@laalliance.org

Alliance Gertz Ressler High School Athletic Department Policies

2019 – 2020
ELIGIBLE TO PLAY IN GAMES – In order to be eligible to participate in athletic contests, student cannot have an unexcused absence or tardy on the day of the game. Doctor’s appointments with a doctor’s note will excuse the absence/tardy.
TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM GAMES – For any athletic competitions away from campus, any student associated with the team is required to ride the school provided transportation TO and FROM the competition. Questions regarding transportation: Contact Roman Guerra, AP, at rguerra@laalliance.org
ELIGIBLE TO LEAVE CAMPUS – When athletes are not expected to be at school immediately after school (90 minutes or more after the end of the school day), students who sign out in the main office are able to return to school for their tryout, practice, or competition. If a student does not sign out in the main office, they will not be allowed to return to campus for their tryout, practice, or competition.
Check back regularly for UPDATES
General Questions: Contact Nathan Roller, AD, at nroller@laalliance.org
ELIGIBLE TO TRYOUT – In order to tryout for any athletic team at Alliance Gertz Ressler High School, you must have a properly completed physical turned into the Athletic Director. The properly completed physical requirements are described here:
– ALL student athletes are required to have a physical completed PRIOR TO participating in tryouts.
– Summer is a great opportunity to get your physical complete and it is valid for 12 months, so if you want to play more than one sport within 12 months from the date of your physical, you are able to play those sports.
– A Physical Form is available in the front office or attached below.
– Students/Parents fill out the front side and sign at the bottom
– Your Physician fills out the back side and signs and STAMPS at the bottom
ELIGIBLE TO JOIN THE TEAM – In order to be a member of any athletic team at Alliance Gertz Ressler High School, you must be in proper academic standing. The academic requirements are described here:
– ALL student athletes are required to have an average GPA of 2.35 on the 10-week grade report and end of semester grades
– For the 10-week grade reports, students will have approximately 3 weeks following the date of the reports to bring their grades up to an average GPA of 2.35 for that semester. Students MUST speak to the Athletic Director when they feel their grades have been raised for the Athletic Director to confirm he/she is eligible. Deadline for improving grades is end of the school day on the following days:
   – Tuesday, November 12, 2019
   – Monday, April 13, 2020
– Average GPA is calculated as follows
   – A is worth 4
   – B is worth 3
   – C is worth 2
   – D is worth 1
   – NP is worth 0
   – Advisory grades are worth half as much as other classes (2.5 credits vs. 5.0 credits)

Athletics Data


Photo Album

Boys Soccer Team 2011

 Gertz Vs. Merkin Basketball Game


Program Leader: Victoria Gutierrez
About All-Stars: 
Founded in 2002 by Arnold Schwarzenegger, ASAS-LA serves over 14,000 students annually and average 6,000 students a day at 48 school sites (29 middle schools, 11 elementary schools, two K-8th, one K-12th, five high schools) throughout the Los Angeles County and Lucerne Valley. 99% of our students are youth of color and 88% qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Meal Program. ASAS-LA is a part of a national network that is comprised of 20 chapters in 13 states and Washington, DC. ASAS operates in 356 Title I schools and serves over 75,000 students annually. There are national headquarters in both Los Angeles and Washington, DC.

YAP’s Mission/Meeting Information


See what YAP is up to on our Instagram page! 

Genders and Sexualities (GSA)

Club Information

GSA is a club that serves as a platform to promote acceptance of the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, etc.) community. We provide a safe space where all students, whether they identify as LGBTQ+ or not, can meet and feel welcome. GSA meets every Friday from 3:45pm-4:45pm in Gertz-Ressler room 118 and is co-advised by Mr. Shimizu and Ms. Tapia

Puma Specialized Advisories

Ethics and Academic Honesty

Gertz-Ressler Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity is an essential value upon which our school is built. Students are expected to strive to preserve this value even when his or her actions and decisions may be unpopular with his or her classmates. Cheating and other forms academic dishonesty, such as misrepresentation and plagiarism, will not be tolerated at Gertz-Ressler. Student directly or indirectly involved (such as, but not limited to, knowing this is happening and keeping quiet) in any act of academic dishonesty may subject to the following consequence:

  • First time:
    • Student will receive an failing grade on the assignment without the opportunity to make it up
    • Student will have a parent conference with an administrator and will write a reflection on his/her actions
    • Student will be assigned to the Ethics Committee to restore justice
  • Second time:
    • Student will have a parent conference with an administrator before being able to come back to class.
    • Possible suspension
  • Third time:
    • Possible inter-Alliance School transfer or expulsion from Alliance Gertz-Ressler High School

Gertz Nerd


Purpose of Gertz Nerds (Gertz student technology leaders):
The Gertz Nerds help support the new innovative at Gertz-Ressler High School. 
  1. Inform the school about internet safety
  2. Update the school’s news and announcements 
  3. Provide staff with technology professional developments
  4. Provide technology workshops for parents
  5. Record and capture news/announcements made during Monday’s All-School Morning Meeting.
Our mission is to create original digital content and support the technology needs of our peers as well as the Gertz community. Through our newsletter, we inform peers about events, technology-related news, and share out the latest news to cover the best stories of Gertz. 


Genesis V. 
proper noun. 
1. Has 2 sisters. 
2. Born in Los Angeles. 
3. Very shy. 
4. Favorite color is blue. 
5. Loves to dance. 
6. Nickname is Gen. 
7. Loves Horses.


The Gertz nerds are honored to have introduced the internet safety presentation put on by the National Cyber Security Alliance hosted by Nev Schulman (MTV Catfish fame) and Michelle Dennedy (McAfee Chief Privacy Officer).

Pumas Class of 2017

Senior Activities for the Senior Class of 2017 
Spring 2017 Activities List 
Senior Luncheon 
Senior Retreat 
Grad Nite -Disneyland 


The focus of this club is to produce the school’s annual yearbook. 

Meeting days and times:
Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 5:00-6:00 P.M.
Meeting Room:
Faculty Sponsor:

Gertz TV


Website: http://la-allstars.org/ 

Program Leader: Victoria Gutierrez
About All-Stars: 
Founded in 2002 by Arnold Schwarzenegger, ASAS-LA serves over 14,000 students annually and average 6,000 students a day at 48 school sites (29 middle schools, 11 elementary schools, two K-8th, one K-12th, five high schools) throughout the Los Angeles County and Lucerne Valley. 99% of our students are youth of color and 88% qualify for the Federal Free and Reduced Meal Program. ASAS-LA is a part of a national network that is comprised of 20 chapters in 13 states and Washington, DC. ASAS operates in 356 Title I schools and serves over 75,000 students annually. There are national headquarters in both Los Angeles and Washington, DC.