Open Enrollment for 2024-2025 open now through December 1st / Inscripciones de 2024-2025 abietos hoy hasta 1 de Diciembre!

We are now open for our next year 2024-2025 School year! Please see link for our application, download the application and bring it to school, or come by the main office and we can give you one as well!

Open House Translators

Open House coming up on Wednesday, March 22, 2017 from 4:30 to 6:30 at Richard Merkin Middle School. If you are able to translate you will earn community service hours. Please support !

ASAS Student Survey

Please fill out this survey so we can learn more about opportunities you want brought to GRHS ASAS Program. This is your voice and choice to have programs you want.

Good luck on your AP exams!

Good luck from your Gertz Teachers and community!

Parent-Teacher conferences/ Conferencias de padres y maestros

This is a time for you to meet individually with your child’s teacher. It is an opportunity for you and your child’s teacher to:
● Discuss your child’s areas of strength
● Discuss your child’s areas for improvement to be successful in the classroom
● Address academic concerns
● Address behavioral concerns
● Discuss strategies for your child’s academic success.

Este es un momento para que usted hable individualmente con los maestros(as) de su hijo(a).

-Esta es una oportunidad para usted y para el maestro(a) de su hijo (a):
-Discuta las áreas de fortaleza de su hijo(a)
-Discuta las áreas donde su estudiante puede mejorar y tener mejor resultados
-Hablar sobre el progreso académico
-Discuta las estrategias para el éxito académico de su hijo(a).